I Will Set You Free (To Create What You Want)

I will set you free to create what you want.

What you want is the force of creation trying to grow through you. Desire is the trajectory of the great unfolding.

The more free you become, the more the universe expands as you, through you. 

Freedom, thus, is the primary mode of all creation. Whatever you want will come into being, first and foremost, through freedom. 

There is so much you are not free from.

Most of that which limits your freedom is outside of your awareness. 

You don’t even know how unfree you are.

Finding this out is the beginning. 

Next is falling in love with your lack of freedom. 

As you come to love that you are not free, the prison you live in will begin to reveal itself to you.

A welcoming of being in prison is all it takes—a falling in love with the circumstance of being bound. 

The paradox of loving a prison is that first, it brings it into awareness and then second, it drives its dissolution. 

Held in the awareness of love, all limitations lose their power over you. Without resistance, they melt into the light of higher possibility.

This higher possibility is being in the throes of creation, like a child unbounded by the litany of ideas that stop them from running, screaming, and asking for what they want.

Asking is the thrust of desire from the void into the world.

When you ask for what you want, you are free.

When you are as happy to fail as you are to fly, you discover the wondrous reality that these are the same; all flying is falling. 

Everything is dancing, from the bottom to the top and across the entire expanse. 

Everything free, that is.

Can you hear the music? 

And are you afraid to dance?

At what age did dancing start being scary? Was it in middle school? Even younger?

We come into this life dancing and then, too soon thereafter, we let our dancing die. 

We let it get choked out on the ju-jitsu mat of an industrialized educational complex by a society sick on plastic productivity. Hiding out in the confines of authority and order–a world within the pale–we lose touch with our souls. 

Fuck that, I say.

We have one fucking shot at this thing called our life.

Let us stretch our arms out as far as they can reach and touch everything.

If you spend time with me regularly, every aspect of your life will be set ablaze. 

Ablaze for the better, with more passion, more pleasure, more profit, and more promise.

This is not something special about me. It is what Being Free does.

Freedom bleeds.

Just as fear spreads from one to another, freedom does too.

You can become not only the beacon of freedom for others, but the generating force of their liberation. 

You are being an influence and example to everyone you meet already anyway. Let that be an influence and example of freedom.

Through this Being Free ourselves, we can set the world free.

How much of a difference will this make, you wonder?

That question is one of the prison walls. 

Can you feel how it stops you?

Yes, you can.

And we’re only just getting started.

Loving us all, JPM

PS – Creator’s Journey is a year-long journey in radical liberation. For years following, you will look back on it as the most significant advance of your freedom. Tap here to learn more and join us today.