Self-belief and a strong sense of your value is foundational to your ability to create clients and revenue, but not in the way that you might think.
Self-belief is not just what has you be willing to take action or be confident in taking those actions.
Self-belief is actually a gift in and of itself.
In fact, self-belief is, hands down, the greatest gift that you could give.
Our clients who get the most powerful results from our work together are super committed to creating results AND they keep me present in their life, either by being on a call with me, watching my videos or some other kind of interaction that is meaningful to them.
The ‘idea’ of me that they carry with them in their life is one of absolute unwavering certainty. By carrying this idea of me, they are actually carrying the possibility of certainty as a way of being.
My self-belief is transferred into others and becomes their own self-belief. By being with me, my clients create their own certainty that they can create whatever they want.
My self-belief then, is more valuable than any knowledge, tools or techniques will ever be in helping my clients to up-level their lives .
This is why I prioritize conditioning my mind and my heart over everything else. By cultivating a deep sense of certainty that my desires can and will be created, I become valuable as a source of certainty.
I invite you to plug into this; to produce your own self-belief by experiencing mine through regularly being present with me in whatever way you can.
Use me. That’s why I do what I do. To be used for increasing your certainty that what you imagine can be made manifest.
Just as you can’t be around plutonium without becoming radioactive, so too is it impossible to be around certainty without it entering your being.
Your self-belief is the gift.
Loving you, JP ❤️