Your Desires are a Backwards Strategy

I get loads of emails from people telling me about what they want differently in their lives.

A pattern I see is that people will often first list the things they want for themselves…

Money, Freedom, Relationship, Passion, etc…

And then they will continue, suggesting that after they have that they also want things for others, like…

Contribution, help people, make an impact in the world, leave a legacy, etc

In one sense, the order of these things is good. It makes sense that we worry about taking care of ourselves first. We need to be healthy and safe before we can be of value to others.

In another sense – the more actual one – we are completely insane.

We are already safe and secure enough to move on to the second list. We just think we aren’t.

The ebb and flow of life has a particular rhythm to it. So many people want to ebb without flowing.

But flowing is where you have to go before you get to ebb again.

Put doing THESE things first EVERY SINGLE MORNING:

Contribution, help people, make an impact in the world, leave a legacy, etc

And more of THIS will then come to you in your afternoons:

Money, Freedom, Relationship, Passion, etc…


  • What are all the things that you want?
  • What order do you typically place them in?
  • Could reversing the order of your desires be the perfect strategy for creating those desires?