
Create More Results With Others – The Next Step

When creating with others, if you find yourself asking “what is the next step?”, then realize you are actually BEING ‘what is the next step’ and this state of being is actually an abdication of your power to create. As an alternative, I suggest you try adopting ‘here is the next step‘ as a stateRead More

Put Spirit on Rails – What is the Next Step?

Spirituality without action can create wellbeing but generates little results outside of you. Action without spirit creates plenty of results, but these results are often disjointed and unfulfilling. You can have it all though. By integrating spirit (or intuition) with decisive action you can create success that is as deeply fulfilling as it is materiallyRead More

How to Fear Less – Repressing Vs Releasing

Do you manage fear by putting limiting thoughts and feelings aside so that you can think and feel positively? Please stop.??‍♂️ Because you’re making it worse. ??‍♂️ Instead, use this simple self-enquiry to liberate yourself from the fear completely. 1. Finish this sentence: “I am afraid that…X” 2. Next, find what is beneath this fear:Read More

Love to Death What You Hate

When you notice that things in your life aren’t exactly as you’d like them to be – or when you find people irritating or annoying – step out of the matrix for a moment. Consider the fact that what you’re hating is occurring right now, whether you hate it or not. Consider also then, thatRead More

Why to Cultivate Mindfulness – Shifting to Neutral

When the ‘engine’ of your mind is revving with thoughts, ideas and actions, meditation can create spaciousness between you and that mental activity. Cultivating a regular practice allows you to let the engine of the mind to ‘rev’ without any need to do or say anything and to remain in a peaceful neutrality. From neutralRead More

Prioritise Your Actions by Love & Power

Every morning begin your day with one question: ‘What would I love to create today?’ Write down your answers as actions. Next, prioritise each action by power. Ask yourself: ‘What difference will each action make?’ The actions that make the biggest difference in the least amount of time will have the greatest output of power.Read More

Don’t Just do Something, Sit There

Choosing to rest in the bliss of inner stillness is one half of The Creating Perspective. So don’t just do something. Sit there! The other half though, is utilizing will, thought and action to generate a state of being that produces results. So don’t just sit there. Do something!Read More

Stop Owning Your Shit. Love it Instead

Anything that you attempt to control will end up controlling you. Instead, learn to welcome the parts of yourself that you’d rather turn away from. Learn to love your metaphorical ‘shit’. Do this, and what once limited you will become manure for your growth.Read More