
How to Free Yourself From Fears with Opposite Action

Every action we take invokes and emboldens the meaning we make not only about that action, but also its opposite. For example, the more I choose to have everybody be worthy of my attention, time and love, the more I spontaneously experience myself as worthy of those things by others. To free yourself from aRead More

How to Flow in Serving People – To Me, For You

To be fully in the flow of service to others is easy when you take your ‘self’ out of the equation. As a means of doing this, simply assume that every inspiration to speak, act or give to another has come to you purely for the other person. I call this coming ‘to me, forRead More

How to Lead a Conversation – Interrupt vs Intervene

A mind focused fully on others cannot feel fear. For example, to ‘interrupt’ references your self as the cause for rupture, which is a kind of destruction. However, to ‘intervene’ references yourself as the champion for a greater good outside of you. Both words offer the same action, but with differing implications on how youRead More

You Are Dancing – How Creating Works

We see the world that we ARE. We are each a collection of patterns, predispositions, and propensities. We are entanglements of flesh, bones, nerves and chemicals moving through the universe at light speed and bouncing into circumstances. Our seeing is the result of the dance between our inner moving body and external events. Our opportunitiesRead More

Delude Yourself to Create a Wonderful Life

When I’m conscious, I operate from the perspective that anything another person does that I don’t like is being created by me. I mean this in two ways. First, that I am creating my experience of another person’s behavior as undesirable by how I’m thinking about it. (i.e. If I believe it’s disrespectful to showRead More

Overcome the Force of Others’ Expectations

Who we be in the world creates an idea of us in the minds of others. This idea then acts as an opposing force that keeps our identity in place. When I was a teenager, I was extremely sarcastic. To the point that I became known amongst friends as a bit of a dick. ARead More

If You Can Build it You Can Fix it.

About 15 years ago, I was worried because I damaged something in my house. I was a new homeowner. I was telling my Dad and he said, “Don’t worry. If you can build it, you can fix it.” And that just let me off the hook of being even concerned. It was true. I knowRead More

My Journey into the Shithole

When I was growing up the word ‘shithole’ was used a lot around me. As a kid, I thought it meant a place that was dirty, but as I got older I learned it also to mean a place with more crime and where the people didn’t have as much money. In my twenties, whenRead More


Here is a simple meditation I created while playing with my breath and how words orient my awareness. 1. Breath in while silently saying: “Now” 2. Breath out while silently saying: “Here” 3. Do this until you find yourself Nowhere.Read More

To Believe is to Be Love

I learned recently that the Germanic root of the word ‘believe’ literally means ‘to hold dear’ or ‘to love’. As it evolved into English, for many centuries the word ‘belief’ represented ‘faith’. It was used to describe our relationship to ideas that could not be ‘known’. To believe was to have a conviction of theRead More