
Remembering the Not Knowing

Five years ago I was in Spain with my girlfriend. We were doing a juice fast at a health resort. I took my lady for a walk one evening to see the orange groves and on the way back, we caught the sun setting through a little wood. “Go into the wood and walk backRead More

The Happiest Guy I Know

Throughout my late twenties and into my thirties, I had said often to myself and others, “I’m the happiest guy I know”. It always just occurred to me to be the case, as I was generally quite happy with everything in life; work, family, relationships, adventure, health. I didn’t say it obnoxiously, I just sharedRead More

Anger is Love Misguided

Recently, my wife and I got into an argument. It happened in seconds, like a flash fire in a pan. Seemingly out of nowhere we were shouting at each other about something inane. And then, just as quickly as it had come, it ended. Somehow we realized how silly it was, burst into laughter andRead More

Alpha Omega Leader

Our evolution is accelerating. Technology, medicine, climate, economics, politics and religion – all changing rapidly and causing disruption. While in ways the world is coming together, an underbelly of fear is also driving greater separation. Questions on the minds of many leaders are: How do we grow a successful business with such an uncertain future?Read More

The (In)Consequentiality of Circumstance

There is a man who lives in a van that frequents a cafe I visit once or twice a day. I go there to break up the energy of being in my studio. Mostly I drink decaf lattes. They tell me I’m the only one they keep those beans for. Me and children under 12.Read More

How to Have Success – Create vs Make

[ New Distinctions for Entrepreneurs – Part 12 of 12 ] To ‘make’ something is to bring it into form of your own accord. It is to be the full cause for a thing’s existence. When we use the word ‘create’ however, there is a subtle knowing that while we were instrumental in that thingRead More

How to Pitch – Impact vs Impress

[ New Distinctions for Entrepreneurs – Part 1 of 12 ] The typical orientation when ‘pitching’ your business is to impress your audience so that they will want what you have. What if instead of pitching to impress, you pitched to impact? What if the pitch itself could add value to someone’s life or business?Read More

How to Have Fulfillment Without Effort

We are presumed to agree that a fulfilling life comes through strenuous effort. What if this isn’t true? Or at least, what if having to ‘compete’ and ‘struggle’ is not the only path to fulfillment? What if there is another way? A way that is easier and more relaxed? A way in which one may,Read More

How to Have Better Success – Qualitative vs Quantitative

The dominant paradigm for success is that of a quantitative measure. Inculcated with this worldview by an industrialized education system, we unconsciously measure success by ‘how much’ is achieved. We don’t consider this is only one way to measure success. Without even realising it, we take quantitative success to be success. What if we measuredRead More

Reconsidering Freedom of Speech

Shall we reconsider ‘free speech’? One of the leading concepts of my life and work can be summed up in the word ‘abracadabra’, which etymologically is an Aramaic word meaning ‘I create as I speak’. From almost two decades of experience in the use of language in sales, persuasion, hypnosis, coaching, leadership and creative writing,Read More